– travel/restaurant/event to do list. Scrape friends feeds on social networks to tell me who has gone to those places in the past. Pull up friends’ yelp/google reviews if any. If other friends use the app, show me others who have similar things on their to do list. Inherently viral when users use the app to reach out to their friends for advice on these things.
– wifi enabled power outlets, light switches, extension cords. App to control it and program it. RfId for quick tagging from phone
– wifi connected home doorbell, peephole camera, mic, speaker that lets you interact from anywhere using your iPhone
– daily labor site to find yard workers/handyman/etc, aimed at getting unemployed Americans some of the jobs that go undocumented today.
– free tshirts w/ marketing messages for homeless people, paid for by brand advertisers
– ebay for Bitcoin. (putting peer to peer goods into the market should reduce the need for currency swap services)
– indie rock band made up of internet entrepreneurs. Call the band “Internet Famous”
– mobile event tickets… save or upload to your phone, let venues use them for free, and later monetize by letting people swap tickets at the last min
– hardware device to enable peer to peer live streaming of TV/cable channels