– car mirrors controlled by computer that adjusts them based on where the driver’s eyes are
– “should I sell?” site that let’s people post stuff and accept bids so they know what their item is worth if they choose to sell.
– website to remove the balance of political power from millionaires. Reduce cost of running for office. Let people “write in” candidates (people they know) and let people vote up one candidate per ballot. Heavy viral social stuff. Tie to Facebook for identities.
– social network that models your neighborhood and let’s you meet neighbors better than in real life
– social music streaming exclusively between fb friends, music is a social experience, ppl want to share their playlists and help friends discover new music
– wikileaks for food companies or all companies, where insiders can post how shit made, foodstuff.com, thatsdisqusting.com
– I want my music videos back. IPod option to buy/steam/play videos w your songs
– pay friends via CC by letting them take a photo of your CC. Then sends you an approval notice.
– group fundraising to make political lobbyists irrelevant. Replace that income with money from the people, but people only pay if the politician vows off all lobby money. Essentially a site for collective buying power for anything.
– social network with scarcity to the membership. Different levels: 10 members, 100, 1000, 10000, etc. Allow people to trade/sell membership.