Exploit your inefficiencies

On my trip to Florida this weekend, I finished reading Moneyball, one of Kevin’s favorite books.

Primary concept from the book… Where there is an inefficiency there is money to be made.  Find your industry’s inefficient ways of doing things, and look at it as an opportunity.  Question age old practices, create better practices, and then exploit it and kick your competition’s ass.

I have a few ideas for what I’m going to read next.  Probably The Search.  Any other suggestions?

90 candles


Robert Boebel… born Dec 2, 1916… Still kickin it at the young age of 90.

Happy birthday Grandpa!

He just blew out the candles.  Check out the aftermath.  Scott and I had fun lighting this one with a pair of crack-pipe blow torch lighters.  Just barely got candle 90 lit before candle 1 melted down to the cake.

And we’ll do it again in 4 weeks for Grandma’s 90th.

Amazon vs Rackspace

I’ve been asked several times recently what it means for Rackspace now that Webmail.us is using Amazon S3 (and EC2 & SQS) for data backups.  In case you missed it, last month we replaced our tape backups system managed by Rackspace, with a homegrown backups system built on top of Amazon’s web services.

Just yesterday in fact, in a great post on grid computing and Amazon, Joyent asked “So is Webmail.us’s use of Amazon’s web services a success for Amazon or a failure of Rackspace? Or both?”

Well let me answer publicly with what I have been telling everyone who has personally asked me this question…

Yes, our use of Amazon S3 displaced our use of Rackspace’s managed backups.  However, we desperately needed to replace it anyway.  Traditional data backups systems do a horrible job at backing up maildir formatted email data.  This is because with maildir, file names change frequently in order to track meta data such as Flagged, Read and Replied.  Each time the file name changes, the backups system sees a new file and backs the email up again.  This results is several copies of the same email being backed up and wastes backup resources – directly wasting our money.  This would be the case with any general purpose backups system, regardless of if it were a Rackspace hosted solution or not.

What we needed was a smarter backups system.  We needed to build something new; something custom; something designed specifically for the type of data we store.

We are a software and services company, not a hardware company.  Which is why we outsource our data center to Rackspace.  Rackspace owns the hardware, keeps it running, and replaces hardware components that break.  They do a great job at this.  We write and manage the software that runs on the hardware, and we do a great job at that.  A core software development philosophy at Webmail is to maintain a short development cycle; i.e. to release new features early and often.  One of the many ways we accomplish this goal is to build on top of re-usable components, whether that’s software that we write, open source software, or services hosted by other companies.  In this case we built on top of services hosted by another company.

Amazon’s web services allowed us to build something new.  By building on top of their S3 “storage cloud”, we were able to just develop the maildir backup logic and some data cleanup logic.  We were able to skip developing the backup storage system altogether.  We coded the storage client, not the storage server.

Initially we had planned on building both.  But when S3 came out our thoughts quickly shifted to “Screw that, lets just build the client and get this thing released”.

I strongly feel that moving our backups to S3 is a success for Amazon, and not at all a failure of Rackspace.

We’ve announced that this new backups system is saving us 75% monthly.  In the end, our backup data hosting costs would have been about equal had we built the backup storage system and hosted it on servers at Rackspace instead of using S3.  Our 75% cost savings came from building the logic that eliminated backing up the same email multiple times, which we were going to do in either case.

S3 allowed us to build this faster and start saving money earlier.

Will we host other applications on Amazon’s web services in the future?

Yes, if it makes sense to do so.

We have a limited number of programmers.  And as I have said before, when making “build vs buy” decisions it almost always comes down to two things: (1) Where do we feel our internal resources can be best spent?  and (2) Can we find a partner that we can trust with the rest of the stuff at an affordable cost?

Will our use of Amazon web services now or in the future replace our server growth at Rackspace?

Probably not.  We are growing fast and will always need a lot of servers to support our business.  I see these web services as a way to get more done, as opposed to replace existing stuff that we are doing currently.

We are always looking for ways to build new stuff faster.  In some cases this will mean building on top of services hosted by other companies, such as Amazon.  In other cases it will mean building on top of open source software and hosted it on servers at Rackspace.  And still, in other cases it will mean hiring more smart people to build it from scratch and host it on servers at Rackspace.  (speaking of which, if you’re a smart programmer shoot me an email)

Interviewed by The Tech Night Owl LIVE

I was interviewed by Gene Steinberg this week regarding Webmail.us and fighting spam, POP vs IMAP, and other email related topics.  The show aired tonight on Gene’s The Tech Night Owl LIVE program.  Here is a direct link to the podcast for tonight’s show:


It’s a two hour show, and there were some other interesting folks on talking about Zune and HDTV.  I am come on from minute 51 to 77.


Sitting at Laguardia waiting for my flight… My head hurts, amoung other things. I feel like I could sleep on the couch for the next 6 hours.

At least I have 12 business cards on my pocket and a cool TechCrunch t-shirt.

Going to TechCrunch 8 tonight?

I’ll be at the TechCrunch party tonight in NY.  If you’re going and you read my blog, or if you know somebody going who is a Webmail customer, email me so we can meet up.

This is their 8th party.  Pat and I went to TechCrunch 7 in Menlo Park, CA three months ago and it was awesome.  Met a lot of neat people.  That silicon valley crowd is interesting.  I expect the crowd at this one to be a little different… more sports coats, less  Hawaiian shirts.  But we’ll see.

At TechCrunch 8


Just arrived at the TechCrunch pary in NY. Its at a hot club called BED (www.bedny.com (can’t post html from Treo) ).
Lots of startups in the “Demo Mashpit” showing off their next big thing…
• even AOL..?
Music by partyStrands.com
Awesome free food…
Open bar…